- Jun 2, 2024, 10:00 AM
- Ballhaus Ost
conference for queer politics
After the passage of the "Transsexuellengesetzes" ("transsexual law"), what comes next? While there have been significant legal advancements, narratives of "gender ideology" and right-wing conspiracy theories continue to make life difficult for queer people. The Queerokratia conference aims to address these challenges by bringing together queer and non-binary politics, activism, and self-organization.
More info & tickets: queerokratia.de/
Öffentliche Abschlussveranstaltung
#Queerokratia#Prenzlauer Berg#queer#konferenz#politik
Experimentierbühne für freies Theater, Performance, Tanz, Musiktheater und Musik
#gayfriendly#queerfriendly#Prenzlauer Berg#theater#kultur