The BB Show
- Dec 5, 2024, 8:00 PM
- SO36
Big drag show
Line-up: Bleach.Live, Punx 'N' Kweenz, Brigitte Oytoy, Buba Sababa, Chiqui Love, Connor Lingus, Fibi Eyewalker, Juwelia, Madame Eve, Mari Corolla, Mona La Doll, Nancy Nutter, Nosmo King, Oozing Gloop, Papi Pisola, Ruco La Pesto, Sabine Jay, Señorita Toyota Corolla, Valerian Steel
Instagram: @bleach.babychino
Featuring Bleach, Punx 'n' Kweenz live band and many more
SO36 has been a music hotspot in Kreuzberg since the 70s, at least in the part of the district formerly known by its postal code of Süd-Ost 36. Its profile has changed over the decades, but it's still home to long-established events such as the Middle-Eastern club night Gayhane as well as punk concerts.