Georgette Dee & Terry Truck: „DezemberLicht-Geschichten“

  • Dec 27, 2021, 7:00 PM
  • Tipi am Kanzleramt
Image: Barbara Braun


Between the years is a great time to catch a concert from diseuse Georgette Dee and her pianist Terry Truck, as her often profound, frequently funny and always clever conférences act like a ray of light in a dark night. Her program is fittingly called DezemberLicht Geschichten.

Tipi am Kanzleramt


Near the Chancellery, the Reichstag and the Brandenburg Gate, this teepee is home to chanson, variety shows and musical comedy, often with a queer touch. Here, you can see newcomers giving premieres as well as established greats celebrating anniversaries - a culturas institution.


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