Transi Dreaming

  • Mar 29, 2025, 7:00 PM
  • Galerie Studio St. St.
Image: Brigitte Oytoy
Underground Diva Juwelia Soraya bei einer Show

Salon der Underground-Diva Juwelia

There are few places where it feels like time has stood still like at Galerie Studio St. St. in Neukölln. The “eternal underground diva” Juwelia invites guests here every Friday and Saturday to her salon. It is wonderfully uncommercial, full of love, trashy, chatty and 150 percent Berlin!


Galerie Studio St. St.

A charmingly cozy gallery in Neukölln with visual art and sometimes performances and parties.


Das Siegessäule Logo
Das Branchenbuch mit Haltung
Queer. Divers. Überzeugend.