Pepsi Boston Bar: Sing, Spin or Sling?

  • Jul 8, 2022, 5:00 PM
  • SchwuZ
Image: Jessica Weber

Tonight drag queen Gieza Poke presents her sex positive warm-up karaoke evening with accompanying game show at Pepsi Boston Bar. Armed with hot outfits and a wheel of fortune, she’ll coax her audience into all kinds of raunchy actions. Loosen up for the Sleaze porn party afterwards.

Karaoke Darkroom Gameshow, hosted by Gieza Poke




In existence since 1977, SchwuZ is one of Berlin's most beloved queer institutions. A nightclub with three dancefloors and bars, it serves a platform for LGBTI* subculture in Neukölln and the city at large. Since 2021 the Pepsi Boston Bar opens its doors during the week and welcomes Queers & Friends.


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